Tuesday 12 April 2011

Playtest @ UK Games Expo 2011

Calling all budding games designers and playtesters!

www.playtest.co.uk will be running a playtesting event 
at the UK Games Expo 2011 June 3rd-5th. 

The aim of the event is to bring designers and playtesters together to play games, encourage feedback and to help create better games.

You know that boardgame idea you've had knocking about for years that could be brilliant or just might not work? Create a prototype, bring it along and have fun figuring it out. Who knows, your idea might end up in a box on a games shop's shelf! 

Do you like to play games? Do you know what makes a good game fun? Your opinions could help to develop the prototypes and perhaps lead to a playtesting credit in a published game. 

There will be a prize draw for each attendee that playtests a game and for designers who bring a game prototype.

Feel free to contact me for more details at contact@playtest.co.uk

Friday 8 April 2011

Free Download: Playtester's feedback form pdf

Playtesting leads to better games and more playtesting often means more insight, but sometimes it can be difficult to keep track of all of this precious feedback.

For this reason we have opened a download section (on the left), where we will post useful files to help fellow game designers and playtesters.

The 1st file is a version of the playtester's feedback form used during Playtest meetups and convention events. Before starting a playtest hand out copies to each of your playtesters to track which sort of gamer they are and their thoughts about your game. 

Comments are welcome on how well the form works and any improvements or additions you may suggest. Happy playtesting!

Playtester's Feedback Form is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.