Sunday 1 September 2013

London Meetup Sunday 15th September

The September London Meetup will be on Sunday 15th September from 1pm to 8pm at the Jugged Hare pub, Victoria.

September signals the end of Summer. Its time to get back to staying indoors working feverishly on the latest prototype as the rain lashes down outside. For designers seeking a publisher, there is just over a month to perfect your game before meetings at Essen Spiel in October.

If you've designed a game, bring it along and give it a play or just enjoy playing other people's prototypes in a friendly and constructive atmosphere. Everyone is welcome.

If you would like to bring along a new design, contact Rob Harris (Organiser) and your game will be added to the provisional list. 

We have pre-registration to make the sessions run more smoothly. Designers are encouraged to pre-register their games to be playtested before the meetup by leaving a message on the meetup page or contacting Rob Harris (Organiser).

You are still welcome to bring along other designs on the day, but time slots will first of all be allocated to pre-registered games.

More details:

We also have a guild at

Some of the games to be playtested (TBC):

Zambezi - a light, fun family game, (15mins x players), 2-5-8 players (Peter Burley)
Crowdfunder - light economic game about kickstarter, 60ish mins, 2-4 players (Behrooz Shahriari)
Not Fluxx - random chaotic game, 10-15 mins, 2-6 players (Behrooz Shahriari)
Barbarians! Run! - Roman-bashing wargame, 90 mins, 2+ players (Dave Turner)
King's Favour - social card game, 45mins, 4-10 players (Paul Pressley)
Civili-'zee'-ation - cooperative game, 90 mins, 4 players (Ben Neumann)
Fishy Business - light euro game about sea fishing, 60 mins, 2-4players (Mo Holkar)
Eternal Gateway - fantasy/ medieval game, 60-120 mins, 2-4 players (Andy Yiangou)
Trinity - Roman-themed card & dice game, 60-75 minutes, 2 -5 players (Brett Gilbert & Matt Dunstan)
Artisans - "cube machine" game, 60-75 minutes, 2-4 players (Brett Gilbert & Matt Dunstan)
Angkor Thom - city building game, 45-60 minutes, 2-5 players (Brett Gilbert)
Divinare Dice - super-quick dice game inspired by Divinare, 20-30 minutes, 2-4 players (Brett Gilbert)
Corportocracy - cyberpunk world domination game, 90 mins, ? players, (Jonathan Casterton)
Five Wickets Down - deckbuilding cricket game, 60 mins, 2-4 players (Chris Taylor-Davies)
Adapt or Die: Cro-Magnons coming - pre-historic survival game, 90 mins, 3-4 players (Dave Mortimer)
The Joust - bluffing card game, 30 mins, 2 players (Dave Mortimer)
Newsy (WT) - card game about the news, 30 mins, 2-3 players (Alunga)