Monday 6 June 2016

Playtest Zone @ UKGE2016

Thank you to all the playtesters and designers that came to the Playtest Zone during Expo and helped to make it such a great event.

We had 96 different designers showing their prototypes over the three days and we managed to raise £428.86 + £61.25 in Gift Aid for the Dreams Come True charity.

Special thanks to the Playtest Zone team of Brett Gilbert, Matt Dunstan, Dave Mortimer, Jen Freeman, Jen Wells, David Dawkins, Dave Wetherall, Andy Yiangou, Rob Harper, Andrew Bond, Mike Ibeji, Joost Dantuma, Chris Marling, Epistolary Richard and many others for volunteering their time to make this such a great event.

Sunday 5 June 2016

UK Games Expo 2016 Attendance

Congratulations to the UK Games Expo organisers, who have announced that the attendance for this year's show was 25,000, nearly twice last year's figure of 13,500.

A big thank you to the organisers and the Expo volunteers for all of their hard work. Already looking forward to next year.