Tuesday 30 April 2013

Playtest @ UK Games Expo 2013

Calling all budding games designers and playtesters!

www.playtest.co.uk will be running a playtesting event 
at the UK Games Expo 2013 May 24th-26th.

This year's event is at a new venue, the Hilton Metropole Hotel in Birmingham and should mean more space.

The aim of the event is to bring designers and playtesters together to play games, encourage feedback and to help create better games.

You know that boardgame idea you've had knocking about for years that could be brilliant or just might not work? Create a prototype, bring it along and have fun figuring it out. Who knows, your idea might end up in a box on a games shop's shelf! 

Do you like to play games? Do you know what makes a good game fun? Your opinions could help to develop the prototypes and perhaps lead to a playtesting credit in a published game. 

There will be a prize draw for each attendee that playtests a game and for designers who bring a game prototype. The prize will be a £30 gift voucher to spend at www.boardgameguru.co.uk 

Feel free to contact me for more details at contact 'at' playtest.co.uk

Saturday 27 April 2013

London Meetup Sunday 19th May

The May Meetup will be on Sunday 19th May from 1pm to 8pm at the Jugged Hare pub, Victoria.

This will be the last chance to trial your prototypes before the public playtest event at the UK Games Expo 2013 the following weekend.

If you've designed a game, bring it along and give it a play or just enjoy playing other people's prototypes in a friendly and constructive atmosphere. Everyone is welcome.

If you would like to bring along a new design, contact Rob Harris (Organiser) and we will add your game to the list. 

We have pre-registration to make the sessions run more smoothly. Designers are encouraged to pre-register their games to be playtested before the meetup by leaving a message on the meetup page below or contacting Rob Harris (Organiser).

You are still welcome to bring along other designs on the day, but time slots will first of all be allocated to pre-registered games.

More details: www.meetup.com/Playtest/events/100619062/

We also have a guild at Boardgamegeek.com: www.boardgamegeek.com/guild/1398

Some of the games to be playtested (TBC):

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Algonquin College uses Playtest Feedback forms

Following correspondence with Gerry Paquette, Professor of Game Development at Algonquin College, Ottawa, Canada, the faculty has been given permission to use the Playtest feedback forms to help students evaluate their own game designs.

A popular part of the Game design course is to build paper prototypes and then improve these through blind playtesting, using the Playtest forms.

The Designer's Feedback Form and the Playtester's Feedback Form are available for free download from the Playtest website here.

April Meetup 2013 Debrief

Treating the 26.2 miles of the London Marathon as a morning warm-up, 24 uber-fit playtesters cast aside their silver foil sheets and got down to some serious playtesting. We welcomed 5 new attendees this month: Chris, John-Paul, Kim, Nik and Shaun.

After some games chat and food/ drink orders at the bar, everyone was ready for the first playtesting round. Unfortunately, due to some technical difficulties the video countdown was not ready for this month, so each 90 minute round was tracked old-school with a stopwatch and a loud voice.

During the four playtesting rounds, there was an eclectic mix of 23 prototypes: an epic romp around the Solar System, a newsroom simulation, a computer hacking dice game, a game about goblin in-fighting and many more.

Details of the games played can be found here on a BGG geeklist: 

Here are some photos of the event: